Human Resource Management Development and Directorate
The Directorate consists of the General Administration Section and the Finance Section.
General Administration
General Administration
- This Division ensures that approved personal policies in the Ministry on employment, personnel records, training, and wages and salaries administration are translated into good management practices and effectively carried out.
- This Division further ensures that services and facilities necessary to support the administrative and other functions of the Ministry are available.
- It also ensures the provision of an effective and efficient system for internal checks.
The units under this division include the following:
Personnel Management Unit:
- The Unit manages the files and records of staff in the Ministry pertaining to recruitment, leave, promotion, salary issues, transfer, performance appraisal, etc.
Procurement and Stores Unit:
- The unit is responsible for managing the procurement services and providing technical support on procurement processes for the Ministry.
- It also ensures the proper storage of all goods procured and ensures that stocks are replaced on time at the Ministry.
Finance section
- This Division ensures that there is proper financial management and administration at the Ministry.
- The Section also leads the administration of Treasury Management and Accounts Preparation at the Ministry.
- It also safeguards the interest of the Ministry in all financial transactions relating to revenue and expenditure.
- It further ensures the practices of proper and accountable administration.
- It also gives advice on all financial matters relating to the Ministry.
Human Resource Management Development and Directorate
- This Directorate develops a sector-wide policy on HR Planning, Succession Planning, Training and Development, and Performance Management.
- It also ensures that there is in place an effective and stable management framework consistent with the overall manpower needs of the Sector.
Client Service Unit
The Client Service Unit is set up to receive complaints and addresses them and also provides information on the nature of the operations of Ministry. It facilitates the standardization of the services delivered by the Ministry and communicates to the public the exact services of the Ministry. It also deals with complaints from the public regarding services of the Ministry and ensures that genuine problems are addressed adequately in a transparent, timely, and cost-effective manner. The Unit acts as a check on the Ministry to improve on service delivery to the public.
Information Management and Public Relations
- It leads in creating the appropriate policy strategies for branding and building the corporate image for the success of Government business within the sector.
- The Unit develops implements and reviews communication strategies to market and communicates the Ministry’s policies, programs, projects, and activities to the public.
- The unit receives and manage client responses and inquiries.